When you reach a settlement payment, you will usually get to this faster than you would receive the jury verdict in a courtroom. The deadline is not the only advantage of an agreement. The settlement also means lower costs for plaintiffs and defendants alike. Few involved in a lawsuit understand that litigation means the cost of medical records, expert witnesses, transcripts, court reporters and more, which add up over time.
Many lawyers charge a much higher percentage of their sentence if they take the case to trial. It can often be between seven and ten percent more than it would be if the case were settled out of court, which can be a powerful motivator for some plaintiffs. An out-of-court settlement for personal injury means that the parties involved choose to avoid taking a case to trial by agreeing on an acceptable settlement amount. There are several advantages to accepting an out-of-court financial settlement that arises out of a personal injury claim or claims.
An experienced personal injury lawyer will also be able to weigh in with recommendations on whether it is worth taking a case to court or not. Car accident settlements can be offered and agreed upon before going to court, or as a result of a personal injury lawsuit. Most viable personal injury cases are resolved out of court because there are very few disadvantages and many advantages to doing so. A personal injury lawyer can offer advice, but ultimately it's up to you if you reach an out-of-court settlement or if you go to trial.
Contact a personal injury lawyer and read this post to discover the pros and cons of resolving a personal injury case out of court. In addition, many personal injury lawyers charge more for cases that go to court, in addition to pre-litigation fees.